Brandon is strongly motivated and passionate about creating unique spaces that are aesthetic and functional; his best work happens when the creative process involves collaboration and cohesive vision. His degrees in both architectural technology and interior design help him curate a balanced approach to design. He is also responsible for the graphic design, photography, marketing, and website design at Carson Design.

Brandon brings a versatile background of experience to Carson. He has worked in multi-family, corporate, hospitality and residential environments. This experience has strengthened his adaptability as a project manager.

At home, Brandon enjoys listening to podcasts while doing yard work/gardening, YouTubing his latest interests, dreaming up his next home renovation project, soaking up time with his wife and son, playing guitar, and spinning records.

“Smart and curious thinkers who cannot refuse an intellectual challenge.”

“Diligent, tough-minded, and creative, influencing others through their high standards and determination.”

Brandon Lowry

Senior Designer + Project Manager